Author | Screenwriter | Film Editor
"I love creating stories about the Magic of life that remind us how Powerful we really are."
As a film editor, linguist, plant-based nutrition coach, author and screenwriter, Laura Grody has worn many hats in her professional life. Having shuttled between Atlanta and Los Angeles growing up, her love of movies led her to a career in film editing in LA, where she worked on such films as Love Potion No. 9, Kalifornia and When a Man Loves a Woman as an assistant editor, and as an editor on the award-winning independent feature Just Write. (See her full editing credits on IMDb)
Her love of languages urged her to study linguistics, where she learned how languages are formed, how they interact, how they influence history and how they evolve with the times. She also learned how we "borrow" words like 'sushi' but somehow never give them back... Ciao!
Discovering how we create our own reality with the energy of our thoughts and feelings led her to a life-long study of metaphysics and the Law of Attraction.
When her passion for healthy eating inspired her to study nutrition, she created Totally Grody Health & Wellness. where she provides plant-based nutrition coaching.

Inspired by Harry Potter, Alias, and The Princess Bride, she put her loves of language, linguistics and the Law of Attraction in one place and a story emerged, resulting in her first novel, Grace and Dignity: The Ark of the Sacred Scrolls. With an ultimate goal of bringing Princess Grace and Prince Dignity to the big screen, she adapted the novel into a screenplay, which is making its way through screenwriting contests now. It is available for option by film professionals on InkTip. Check out her screenwriting accolades on Coverfly and FilmFreeway. She is also working on Books 2 and 3 in the series as well as some other cool screenplays and film editing projects.
Laura currently lives in Seattle with her own Prince Dignity, working at the University of Washington by day. She holds a bachelor’s in Film and a master’s in Linguistics, both from California State University, Northridge (CSUN), and she is certified as a holistic nutrition practitioner through the University of Natural Health.
She speaks a little Italian, Spanish, and French – sometimes all at once – loves the LA Kings, thinks Xtend Barre is the best workout in town, and believes a plant-based diet is the best thing for our health, the animals, and the planet!